Informal Teaching and Learning Group
The Informal Pathway adopts a fully personalised curriculum which is wholly driven by EHCP outcomes and individual learner needs. The curriculum focuses on the development of early communication, social, emotional and cognitive skills that are a pre-condition to learning. Our Informal learners first need to develop positive relationships with familiar adults and develop behaviours through which they can communicate, in order to explore the world around them using their sensory and physical capabilities to the full. We aim to prepare children for learning and give them opportunities to develop their levels of engagement. Our pupils are provided with opportunities to access rich learning experiences, including play, following a non-subject specific approach. Our pupils are at the heart of our curriculum and with our personalised approach to teaching and learning we aim to build life long learners that are happy, healthy and feel safe and secure in our stimulating school environment.
Theme Cycle
The Informal Teaching and learning group follow a six year theme cycle.
Theme Overviews
Themes are broken down further but are used as a hook to deliver personalised learning through EHCP outcomes.
Timetables meet the needs of individual classes and pupils.
Example Timetable